Friday, October 12, 2012

Know Your Bookstore Employees- Jeff

First of all, tell us a little about yourself.
Well, I’m 26 years old and have been going to OTC on and off since 2007. I’ve also done just about every job at the bookstore at one time or another.

It takes a lot of time to have done every job the bookstore has. How long have you been working here?
Since it opened 3 years ago.

What other, non-OTC jobs have you had in addition to this one?
Oh lordy…I’ve worked in bookstores, gas stations, banks, a dog kennel, a backpacking camp, JC Penney’s Home Store…

As one of the longest-lasting bookstore employees, what job has been your favorite?
Actually handling and talking about the books, as well as spending time with students.

What's your favorite aspect of working at the bookstore?
The employees here are probably the most personable of any place I’ve worked.

Working at the bookstore is cool and all, but what's your dream job?
Owning my own rare antique bookstore. I’d throw in some fiction/nonfiction, as well. It combines two of my three favorite things: books and history. It also gives me an opportunity to deal exclusively with people who love books, delving into the history of not only books in general, but also the history of individual works, such as the period in which a certain book was written.

I suppose the next question is obvious: what’s your third favorite thing besides fiction and history?
The third is science, which unfortunately doesn’t come into play owning an antique bookstore. I can’t think of a job that involves all three, really.

What’s your favorite item that the bookstore carries, and why?
The most intriguing, useful, and cost-efficient: our Microsoft Office Suite [BLOGGER’S NOTE: Available at the OTC Bookstore for only $99.99. Pluggity Plug].

For Mac or PC?
PC [BLOGGER’S NOTE: Mac version also available! Yeah, I’m shameless]. Nine times out of ten, customers say they enjoy the cost.

If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?
The power of flight. I wouldn’t have to limit myself to Springfield; I could go anywhere.

Inquiring minds want to know: what shampoo do you use for your long, luxurious hair?
The sad thing is I know this off the top of my head because people always ask: Pantene Anti-Frizz [BLOGGER’S NOTE: Not available at the OTC Bookstore. Sorry].

Finally, what would you like to say to all the people reading this blog right now?
One should fully learn and familiarize themselves with all benefits and obligations of being a student before attempting to utilize them.

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