Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sourcing and Pricing Textbooks

Have you ever wondered how a university or college bookstore goes about sourcing and pricing textbooks?

You now have a chance to hear it, listen to this podcast and hear for yourself how the college industry as a whole sources and prices textbooks. There are many variables that contribute to individual stores operating slightly different, but as a rule and as a basic foundation all bookstore operates as stated on this podcast.

The OTC Bookstore operates very similar to this scenario.

Campus Retailing Podcast: Episode #2 Sourcing and Pricing Textbooks

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring break!

What, it's spring break and you're spending your precious free time reading the bookstore's blog?

...good for you! Because we have information for you.

The vast majority of students may be out and about for spring break, but your loyal
friends at the OTC Bookstore are staying put to cover all of your assorted bookstore-related
needs. Our hours for this week are as follows:

Monday-Thursday 8AM-5PM
Friday: Closed

We know there are several of you out there who still have yet to purchase your textbooks
for your B-Block classes, and we highly recommend you use whatever newfound free time
you have this week to do so! If you're using MyPay MyWay, the last day to use financial
aid to charge your books is Friday, March 22nd (the end of next week). That's also the last day to return anything purchased for B-Block classes for a full refund. Any B-Block charges purchased after that date will fall to our standard 3-business-day return period.

That's all we have for now. Go back to soaking up the sun on the beach for a while. We'll be here when you get back.